Monday, March 17, 2008

Where's the Christian charity I always hear so much about?

Wow, that teapot looks demonic.

Anyway; I try to keep the news I put on this blog related to the United States, as we've got people like Montreal Simon and Mark over at Slap to report on the news in other countries (specifically, Canada). However, I feel that this news item has relevance.

You may remember that I mentioned that crazy bitch from Oklahoma Sally Kern in my post from last week, and, for those of you living under a rock, the good Republican woman is already infamous for her anti-gay tirade.

"The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation; it's just a fact."

Yes, that Sally Kern.

Well, it seems a male, Scottish, Catholic version of Miss Sally has taken a leaf out of her book. Reverend Joseph Devine is outraged at the use of the Holocaust by the gay "lobby" as a political tool to further our huge, well-orchestrated conspiracy to kill children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and other such nonsense.

"It is ever present at the service each year for the Holocaust memorial - as if to create for themselves the image of a group of people under persecution."

Indeed, Reverend Devine, how dare we homosexuals remember the pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters when fine, upstanding people such as yourself have obviously forgotten all about it already? Should we not follow suit in your excellent example of Christian compassion and mercy? In addition to throwing us Oscar Wilde-types in jail, perhaps you would like us all to wear pink and black triangles as well. Oh, wait, that's right, I forgot; there'd be no point in doing so, because gays were never persecuted in the Holocaust.

Why is it that only Jewish victims of the Holocaust are remembered? Not to be anti-Semitic, but why have the Jews made the Holocaust theirs? Why does "never forget" apply only to Jews, and not to the communists, the Roma, the Slavs, the blacks, the mentally retarded, the Catholics (oh, the ironing), and, of course, the gays? Why do the Jews get their own country in the wake of the Holocaust? Where is our glorious nation of Gaybonia?

It's only until we can force even these bigoted idiots to give us the recognition, respect, and remembrance we deserve as victims of a historical atrocity (sadly, one out of several targeting us) that comments like these are going to be fought against so aggressively. They are hurtful. They are inappropriate. They are completely out of line.

And yet the bishop says he has nothing to apologize for. Isn't that rich?

And now for the obligatory personal note that creeps into all blogs eventually:
Before anyone says anything, no, I'm not copying Slap. I actually found this news item last Thursday and meant to write a post on it. But, of course, I, being a student, ended up being busy with schoolwork and not being able to get around to it. Then, of course, I had Beth over on Friday, so updating my lil' ol' blog was the furthest thing from my mind. But now, finally, I have gotten around to writing a post about Reverend Chuckles the Assclown. I mean, Reverend Devine. Love the name, by the way, don't you?

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