Thursday, February 28, 2008

Obama's trick of making gay marriage disappear

Well isn't that just typical, ladies and gents? With it being an election year, and with a few primaries still left to go, the politicians will do just about anything to court votes and curry favor with the general public. Here's something they haven't often attempted, though: trying to win over the LGBT vote!

Illinois Senator and Presidental hopeful Barack Obama is currently courting the gay vote in his run for nomination. As you can imagine, this includes promises such as the enactment of the Matthew Shepard Act, a fully inclusive Employment Non-Descrimination Act, the complete repeal of the Defence of Marriage Act, and legalized gay marriage...whoops, my bad!

According to Barack Obama, marriage is too good a method of granting gays equality.

"I personally believe that civil unions represent the best way to secure that equal treatment."

You heard it, folks. Barack Obama, who is attempting to win gays who, by and large, want to have the option of getting married someday, says that they can't get married! Instead, we should all choose the less-controversial civil unions route and make it equal. A black man of all people should know that separate but equal just doesn't work.

Civil unions are a step on the road to equality, not the final destination. Still, you've got to give Obama some credit. At least he's taking that step and promising provisions to ensure that the journey continues even after he leaves office if he becomes President, right?

I mean, that is what happens in a political campaign. They smile at your face and stab you in the back.

It could be worse. Mike Huckabee could be the frontrunner on the Republican side. I shudder to think of it.

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