Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Judith Reisman Wiki-fied

I'm a little too angry and outraged to coherently argue against all the points in Judith Reisman's recent article comparing GLSEN and people who participate in the Day of Silence to the Hitler Youth, so I'm presenting the article as it might look had she been crackpot enough to put her claims under the GLSEN entry on Wikipedia or something, to calm my nerves.

So, without further ado, here's Judith Reisman... Wiki-fied. (Well, the juiciest bits, anyway.)

"The mobilization of the youth to put them into community work environments that are specified in the bill raises questions about who will be teaching the youth and what is deemed appropriate community service," he said.

Old-timers naturally recall Communist, Fascist and Nazi youth brigades as severing children from their parent's religious traditions and beliefs.[citation needed]

Such American classroom indoctrination is now found in "hate" and sexual diversity training and in 3,500 nationwide Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) school clubs.[citation needed] Under color of a "Safe Schools Movement" battling alleged "bullying" of so-called "gay" children (K-12), some[who?] see GLSEN as a modern version of the Hitler Youth and as preparing the ground for a larger, sweeping, schoolroom Youth Brigade.[citation needed]

The similarities between Hitler's National Socialist Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Rockefeller and Playboy funded National Education Association (NEA) and American Library Association (ALA) troubles some[who?] World War II elders.[citation needed] Like Hitler's NSTA, our NEA also largely guides the "ideological indoctrination of teachers." (Ronald J. Berger "Fathoming the Holocaust," Aldine Transaction, 2002, p. 50) Moreover, NSTA, the NEA, GLSEN and the Hitler Youth all seek to sever schoolchildren from their parent's religious and sexual training.[citation needed]

Both the GLSEN youth and the Hitler Youth were trained to be revolutionary leaders of the brave new world order.[citation needed] GLSEN school clubs and their teacher sponsor/trainers are now funded by major corporations and by some state funds.[citation needed] GLESN's Day of Silence and "GAY ALLY!" pledge cards for kindergartners and other children are direct assaults on traditional parental, American values.[citation needed]
German children's literature historians document Hitler's pioneering ban of both the Ten Commandments and biblical stories from Nazi school texts in favor of coarse and violent tales that ridiculed religious believers and their values.[citation needed] Without his NSTA teachers, Hitler could not have created a goose-stepping, unthinking army.[citation needed]

Maria Augusta Trapp, in "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers," described how the Nazis de-Christianized their schools and trained students to scorn their parents values.

Christa Kamenetsky (1984) wrote in "Children's Literature in Hitler's Germany: The Cultural Policy of National Socialism," of Hitler's teacher-led purge of books. In reading the following, consider the current purge of books in schools and libraries that celebrate American history, values and sexual restraint,[citation needed] and the increasing availability instead of gender "neutral," pornographic, GLESN party-line materials[citation needed]:
"In order to achieve a total control over the minds of children, the Nazis ... engaged thousands of censors, drafted mainly from the members of the National Socialist Teachers Association and the Reich Youth Leadership Organization, who would systematically screen every book that was published, sold, loaned, purchased, circulated, or discussed."

Any statist Youth Brigade carries within it a dangerous threat, like that of National Socialism when teachers were recruiters.[citation needed] Again, it could be argued[by who?] that if not for the National Socialist Teachers Association's seduction of German youth, World War II would have been impossible.[citation needed]

The claim it was preventing AIDS and the alleged "bullying" of children labeled "gay," "trans," etc., allowed GLESN's nose under the tent.[citation needed] That pornographers, pedophiles and homosexually radical school superintendents, principals, teachers and librarians have been training schoolchildren to be "politically correct" followers is well-documented.[citation needed]

I'll be back to destroy this woman later. I have a meeting to go to so I can plan a Day of Silence event. Witch.